1KOMMA5GRAD banner


Renewable Energy Solution

Company profile

Most of us could already live largely without fossil fuels today, and often even cheaper, more conveniently and more easily. It's only up to us to take the first step. 1KOMMA5° accompanies you and your family into this new, clean and better life. Whether it's a photovoltaic system, power storage, charging station for electric cars or a heat pump, we offer nationwide system solutions so that you can reduce CO2- can live neutrally.

We are a group of people for whom capitulation to the impotence of politics is out of the question. We believe in the power of action and that's why we put all our energy, experience and money into the construction of the largest platform in Europe, which gives us all a cheaper and above all CO2-neutral life enabled. It's all about one thing: to reach the 1.5 degree target of the Paris climate agreement in good time, at least within our own four walls.




