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Organic Miso soup from upcycled ingredients

Company profile

Abokichi is dedicated to sharing the creativity which can emerge when different cultures interact. Abokichi means "Fortunate Avocado," a coinage from "abogado", a South American fruit which has found a place in cuisines all over the world, and "kichi" which means fortunate in Japanese, to express the blessing of the diversity of different cultures in the world.

Our story began when Abokichi co-founder Jess first encountered onigiri (Japanese rice balls) as a healthy and convenient snack or meal while living in Tokyo. After returning to Canada, Jess had difficulty finding healthy, natural, and minimally processed food to eat on the run. As a result, she decided to introduce onigiri as a healthy option for busy people in Canada, selling at farmer’s markets in the Toronto area with her business and life partner, Fumi. Abokichi has also welcomed Bobby to the team.

Today, the three of us entrepreneurs work tirelessly, along with our dedicated team, to deliver you healthy and delicious Japanese food.

Story of OKAZU


United States

