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Alpine MDF

Building Materials

Company profile
Alpine MDF Industries Pty Ltd is a manufacturer and supplier of the highest quality MDF. The plant is located in the North East of Victoria in Wangaratta. The Alpine MDF brand is recognised for product consistency and quality, sustainable timber resource management, low environmental impact practices and market lead research into product development within the industry. The companies vision is to be the preferred supplier to the market for high quality MDF. We are achieving that goal through quality assurance procedures, technical innovation and outstanding customer service. Through the use of modern technology, professional management and customer focus the plant produces in excess of 150,000m³ of MDF per year and is considered a premium product in the market. In 2009 a primed mouldings and flat panel paint line were installed to add value to Alpine’s raw MDF. Alpine MDF Industries Pty Ltd was commissioned in 1996 and was originally called Dominance Industries Pty Ltd. In December 2002 the business was purchased by Sumitomo Forestry Company Ltd of Tokyo, Japan. Alpine contributes social and economic benefits to the North East Victorian economy in a number of ways: The company directly employs approximately 100 staff involved in production, administration and marketing. Typically for every one job generated in this type of production sector, there are another four service related jobs created in the community. Alpine MDF is made from sustainable radiata pine plantation forests, which help save the world’s remaining Indigenous forests. Alpine MDF is a ‘Community Citizen’, providing a number of sponsorships and donating product for local projects.



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