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Aqua Cultured Foods

Fungi based Seafood Alternatives

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Looks like seafood, but it’s not - we beautifully mimic the taste and texture of seafood. Aqua Cultured Foods has developed the first whole-muscle cut sushi-quality seafood alternatives created using microbial fermentation.

Traditional fermentation has been used for hundreds (if not thousands) of years to make foods like kombucha or sauerkraut. Now, we use it to make our alternative seafood products.

Nutritionally superior and safer than traditional seafood.Our products are high in protein and fiber, free from the top-10 allergens, antibiotic free, vegan, non-GMO and have a fraction of the calories of traditional seafood.

We start with widely available, affordable, unprocessed organic matter and add a nutrient-rich solution to “feed” and nurture the microbes. We then introduce a strain of fungi to begin the transformation. By controlling environmental factors like heat, humidity and moisture – and nailing the formula – the end result is a whole protein with a realistic texture and taste to traditional seafood. We’ve developed formulas for tuna, whitefish, squid and shrimp.



United States