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Arc Floor

Flooring and Decking

Company profile
Our beginnings were humble. Back in 1970s, as the local economy was still being nurtured meticulously, it is known to everyone that every contribution to the economy counts. Having this aspiration in mind, Mr Richard Lim wanted to provide a financially sound solution to combine cost-efficient wood flooring, hardy timber quality and a wholesome professional service. Hence, Cheap & Beauty Teak Parquet was founded in the year 1974. From then, the company has braced through and overcame many notable difficulties amongst the local trade economy. As of 2014, we have renamed ourselves as Arc Floor Pte Ltd. The new name inspires a persistency to embrace new technology to increase efficiency, productivity and importantly, safety in all our projects! Why Arc Floor? Arc as the edge of a circle, deeply represents our commitment to ensure a mile-high difference in the quality of our works. It further assures our commitment to ensure the circumference of our professional work to be in line with the architectural soul of the project. Lastly it also serves as a reminder to us that as one of the industry pioneers; we must embrace client satisfaction as our priority as every business is important business! Throughout the 40 years, the home-grown company has successfully developed into a fully equipped professional team with immediate readiness to provide timber flooring installation, supplementation of premium timber, maintenance of timber floors, restoration of mature timber parquet and most recently, even recycling of cast-off timber materials. Our products has also nurtured into a wide range of exquisite wood flooring types namely, the popular Laminated Flooring, the trusty Hardwood Flooring & the very premium and also our very own Composite Solid Fibrewood (CSF) Flooring. All of which, caters to its own set of parquet linguists’.

