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British Precast

Precast Concrete Manufacturers Trade Association

Company profile

British Precast is the trade association for precast concrete manufacturers and members of the supply chain. The main aims of the federation are to promote precast concrete in the construction market; to disseminate information, through a range of industry representation and by shared knowledge, and to add value to its member companies. With a growing membership of over 60 precast concrete manufacturer members, and more than 100 supply chain organisations, members' interests are continually developed through our team of dedicated professionals who have extensive connections with organisations in the United Kingdom and worldwide.

 British Precast is affiliated to The Mineral Products Association (MPA). MPA are the trade association for the aggregates, asphalt, cement, concrete, dimension stone, lime, mortar, and silica sand industries. For further information contact them.

All of our precast concrete members manufacture and supply in the UK. All British Precast manufacturing members are required to sign up to the British Precast Charter Membership Scheme, which includes signing both the Health & Safety and Sustainability Charters. This Charter Scheme is part of the ‘Raising the Bar’ initiative, which demonstrates our members’ commitment to zero harm and improving environmental performance in the industry. Find out more about the Charter Scheme here.

We support members in raising the bar of the industry. We pride ourselves in protecting our members’ interests with stringent technical standards and in-depth industry guidance; delivering information and support to each.


United Kingdom