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Carlton Packaging

Biodegradable Packaging Products

Company profile

Carlton Packaging (Pvt) Ltd is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of high quality cling films, baking paper and Aluminum foils, incorporated in the year of 2012. We are well-known for our innovative products and processes, reliability and responsiveness, and our solution-focused approach to meet our customers’ requirements. We have constantly evolved our business model and expanded our presence, whilst streamlining our portfolio for business leadership and corporate stability...

Bio Degradability

As a responsible company we do care about the environmental foot print from our products hence we introduce Biodegradable cling films in to Sri Lankan Market which helps limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere. We can provide this certification upon customer request.

Our Vision

To be the customer’s first choice for packaging solutions.

Our Mission

Working alongside progressive thinkers who push the boundaries, to produce cost effective, practical solutions.


Sri Lanka

Products and services