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flip & tumble

Eco-friendly Daily-use Items

Company profile

We wanted a better way . . .

Our reusable bags always seemed to be in the trunk or forgotten back at home just when we need them.


It was right there between the undies and the PJ’s. A sock turned out to be the perfect stashing spot for a lightweight bag. The stretchiness of the sock made it easy to squish a bag in, and it was small enough that you could simply keep a bag with you all the time.

Off to market.

We were thrilled, but would anyone else would be? We swapped out the sock for a spiffy spandex pouch, and sewed like crazy for a few late nights until we had our first 50 bags. We went to sell at our local farmers market, fingers crossed. By days end, with just a few bags left, we knew we were on to something.

Women powered.

We ended up taking a leap, quitting our jobs and setting up shop in Berkeley, California. Today, we’re a small but mighty team. We’re proud to be 100% women owned and also mostly women operated. Take a peek in our studio and you might find us sewing the latest prototype, working with users, or sourcing the toughest of fabrics.


United States


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