We are committed to investigating the sustainability & ethical credentials of each product we stock.
We want you to be able to shop with peace of mind, knowing that the products you buy from us are helping to care for a healthy world. So, how do we choose? When selecting green products, there are MANY different factors to consider. And it's important to realise that different people and businesses have their own 'algorithm' in regards to which factors matter most. To give a simple example, let's look at oranges. One person might ONLY want certified organic oranges no matter where they are grown. Another will ONLY want oranges grown in Australia with low food miles, even if they are not organic. Both criteria are important to the environment - yet each of these people might choose a completely different orange. So, it's important for you to know the process that we go through, and the criteria that we base our choices on.
We go through a selection process with every product we are considering before we decide to stock it. We only add products to our range that tick the majority of the boxes for our environmental & social criteria. We consider many different factors, and make the best choices that we can with the options available to us.