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Greenrich Grow India Private Ltd

Green Waste Recycling Solutions

Company profile

Greenrich Grow India Private Ltd is into a new and time tested concept of recycling waste with Fungal Inoculum that are important as decomposers and in retaining nutrients in the soil. We strive to create a better environment for ourselves and our future generations. Greenrich Grow India private limited is a pioneer in bringing both residential and commercial waste management organic composters into the Indian market. Focusing more on aesthetics and efficiency for residential complexes and commercial establishments, the company creates a niche for itself in the wet waste management domain.

Greenrich Grow India Private Ltd is a waste management social enterprise that is moving India’s solid waste sector to models that are simultaneously environmentally and financially sustainable. We offer professional waste management and processing services to households, Community composting for Residential apartments and Institutional clients like Schools, Colleges, Offices, Hotels, Restaurants, Canteens, Factories, etc.


We are a registered member of Government e-Marketplace (GeM) which is an Online Market platform to facilitate procurement of goods and services by various Ministries and agencies of the Government.

We are associated with CREDAI as supply partners for 180 cities catering to 12,000 CREDAI members. We are associated with Swachh Bharath in their mission of Cleaner and Greener India.

Associated with GHMC, GVMC, Chennai Corporation, Chennai Municipality Corportions, Kumbakonam Collectorate & Commissioner and Trichy Municipality.

