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Solar MD

Solar Energy Solutions

Company profile

Our goal is to bring affordable, clean energy to every home in Africa. There, where people have no access to the power grid.”

Solar MD was founded in the summer of 2014. With a vision of affordable, clean energy. In other words, our goal is to develop and manufacture battery systems that store electricity from renewable energy sources as efficiently as possible. However, since trade and industry have the highest energy requirements in most countries, the start-up therefore concentrated from the outset on high-capacity storage facilities.

In addition to that, the founders worked on their own battery control technology and monitoring system. The monitoring system makes their products as durable and economical as possible. Above all, Solar MD’s disruptive battery management system ensures that residential, commercial and industrial storage systems pay for themselves within just a few years.

Finally, today, Solar MD produces its residential and commercial storage solutions in series and delivers them all over Africa.


South Africa