An Environmental Control System for Everyday Heroes.
Trackersack uses a simple app based system and a coded waste sack or bin to track waste from A to B.
Using this information we can deal with any waste management issues at their source and educate your clients or households to recycle correctly, turning them in to everyday waste heroes.
Trackersack has been developed to work alongside other products also, if you have a tracking issue, please get in touch to find out more about your Trackersack solution.
Household Waste
Trackersack can help you improve your household waste sack and bin collections.
Using Trackersack, you have the ability to improve your recycling rates.
Commercial Waste
Trackersack was originally designed for the commercial waste industry in a bid to tackle over filled and contaminated waste.
Clinical Waste
Trackersack’s family tree tracking method is ideal for the clinical waste sector. It allows you to track your waste from the bag, to the bin, to the incinerator and produce an automated detailed duty of care certificate.
Environmental control tool
With businesses pushing to be more sustainable, Trackersack allows you to deal with the issue at its source and in turn, improve recycling to create a more sustainable economy.
Your Bespoke Solution
Trackersack can also build bespoke tracking systems. We have tracked bags, banners , crates, bins, and more!
Challenge us to solve your tracking requirements.
United Kingdom