There used to be a giant heap of garbage a few Kilometre from our home, piling up and rising every single day. Burning issues of rising climate change and the threatening problem of single use plastic, everything collectively gave us a strong push to think about a way to save our environment. I, Ankit Tripathi discussed about the same with my brother Mr Atul Tripathi who was working as a design thinker, back then. Both of us are poles apart in our respective approaches but the feeling of empathy binds us together. We together envisioned the concept of UNEAKO, where we decided to come up with unique alternatives for plastic to maintain the sustainability of our environment in the long term.
Uneako, now in full swing, is a movement to create environmental awareness. Through our range of eco friendly, non-plastic, climate positive products, we are trying to encourage people to adopt a sustainable lifestyle. All the products are manufactured from completely natural recyclable wastes and organic materials. Gradually , with an innate desire to do something good for the marginalized communities of our society, we started extending support to the marginalized and neglected communities of our society by employing their skill sets in the production and value addition of our products. Uneako has emerged as a full package of holistic social welfare— impacting everyone around it in a positive and sustainable manner.